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时间:2023-07-13 12:55:02 来源:网友投稿



2022心理学专业留学申请书 第1篇

Dear _,

Thousands have tried to make their personal statement, witty and exciting, but have failed to make the Again and again admissions tutors have bowed their heads in disappointment in not finding that special something needed to make it different from everyone else" But there will be one, just one who will stand out from the crowd; one personal statement will be so amazing and spectacular that all the universities across the land will want this person in their As Thomas Edison said "I have not I"ve just found 10,000 ways that won"t " But even Thomas Edison made fantastic discoveries, which changed his life and this world forever, and by reading this personal statement you are doing the

Having thoroughly enjoyed the study of Music, Law and Psychology, I have decided to study Psychology at My interests in this subject first came about when I achieved my first work experience in a primary school, and also doing other work experiences in holiday I then decided to do Psychology as an AS level in my 2nd year of A levels, so I can broaden my knowledge of the subject and confirm that Psychology was the right degree to study at

Since studying Psychology at greater depth at AS level, I have gained a much greater understanding in which Psychology affects human Our expanding knowledge of Psychology has given us insight into the ways in which we live, work and socialise in the modern Psychologists to date have given us answers about the human mind, which have influenced us in the way we present ourselves in human society, in which I consider it to be truly the "social science of society". I keep myself aware of all the developments in Psychology and particularly child Psychology, by reading such publications as Psychology Review, which looks at demystifying Psychology, Psychologists experiments and updates on their research and an exam column for help with exam techniques, as well as using the Internet to broaden my knowledge of the

Over the years I have been involved in a range of different work The first placement I was involved in was in 20XX, where I was working in a reception class at Kingsley Primary School for 2 I had various responsibilities where I had to supervise a group of 3-5 children whilst they participated in various activities such as Snakes and Ladders, which teaches them about Maths, being 1st 2nd and 3rd in the I had to supervise in other year group activities such as assembly, break and lunch I also helped the teacher set up the classroom in the morning and at the end of lunch to get ready for the morning and afternoons It was a very rewarding experience and through it I gained valuable skills, I learned to be more patient and more creative, also learning to organise and handle a group of 4-5 year olds (which is not an easy task!) Currently I have a part-time job at a busy supermarket, which has enabled me to work and deal with a diverse range of people and it also gives me some financial

At college I am a member of the schools music committee and I"m a member of the multi-cultural Within these roles I have to help co-ordinate, the "international evening with the mayor" which is an evening of music, dance, history and drama from around the world, as well as putting on different events on throughout the In the music committee, I am the sixth-form assistant, in which I help co-ordinate junior I also play the flute so I also perform in a number of concerts and soirees such as, the Christmas concert and the joint concert with the John Fisher Choir, which is also performed at Fairfield I find these roles to be extremely rewarding as they develop my teamwork and interpersonal skills as well as demonstrating my ability to handle Outside of college I like to keep fit by cycling everyday after I also belong to a youth group in which we do various exciting activities such as bowling and going on camping

Some people dream of worthy accomplishments, whilst others stay awake and achieve “You see things; and you say, "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say "Why not?"” George Bernard It is with this determination to succeed and a keen interest in the subject that I approach this

Yours sincerely,

2022心理学专业留学申请书 第2篇



















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2022心理学专业留学申请书 第3篇

Dear _,

What is life, but an endless chain of riddles? Actually, I believe the chain stretches far beyond any living creature"s lifespan, beyond words and As we progress, we find ourselves facing the most curious of But whilst curiosity is one of the main traits of human beings, its power and influence are often overwhelmed by our defense Thus some questions, the most vital to us at the moment, might find their Others, however, might It is up to us to decide whether we are willing to stop on one place for a while, or continue our journey only in hopes of stumbling upon the same situation later One thing is certain - no matter the choice, once faced with a riddle, a person is likely to remain haunted by it until the end of their If anyone argued with me on that manner, I would gladly say that what we see or even perceive is no more than a tenth of what we carry A constant search for the truth may not be on everyone"s agenda, but the need for it is carved somewhere deeper than we may ever

This place, precisely this depth behind all masks, behind the make-up and the body-vessels we belong to, is what enthralls me and leaves me hanging breathless upon the outlines of my own I would gladly give away a kingdom for the sake of unlocking the secret to even one What is more, I would give my life with all the devotion I am capable

I believe the art of Psychology is what specializes in the quest for hidden passages and keys to the most stubborn of I call it art, for it touches the soul no less than the greatest of piano concerts or the most beautiful of It is able to ignite life, where its colours had slowly faded, to plant with hopes and beliefs for the Last but not of least importance, to me, it is a source of And I am a person who would rather live through one inspiring year than a century of empty So, to put it briefly, it turns out that I and Psychology have a two-sided relationship - I would devote my entire being to it, but I need it in my life so that I can sustain this certain being worth

Choosing to walk down such a Path in life is not something that occurred to me yesterday or the day Honestly, I cannot even remember where the roots of this dream of mine may What I do know is, that taking Philosophy and Psychology classes at my high school made me realize that everything that had intrigued me so greatly in the past could be turned into a Helping people to help themselves, searching together with them for the little lost pieces of the puzzle, this is what I define as my By this I mean giving guidance and offering support to the person in question, but in just the right portions, so that they can continue their journey independently and more motivated than ever

Psychology is what opens the doors towards ever so many human beings with their A diversity to be truly thankful for, and what is more, a diversity I would like to study Because I, as Jack Kerouac, have found this simple truth: "The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time". But here I shall Aren"t we all?

Yours sincerely,

2022心理学专业留学申请书 第4篇













2022心理学专业留学申请书 第5篇

Dear _,

For a long time now I have been interested in the subject of The way people behave and why they do certain things has always fascinated me and after thoroughly enjoying studying the subject at A level I would like to continue to further my knowledge and study psychology at a higher

The A levels I currently study include maths statistics and Philosophy and Maths statistics will be advantageous to me whilst studying degree level psychology, especially when studying area"s such as research Studying Philosophy and ethics also has its advantages in psychology, especially when covering the ethical issues raised when conducting psychological I recently attended a Maths masterclass at Newcastle University which has given me an insight into what university life will be like, and has further reassured me that attending university is the right decision for

I am part of the peer mentoring team at This is an anonymous service where the pupils at school can email us with their problems and I get great satisfaction from knowing that I have helped Working with a range of different people and problems has helped me to gain insight into how people work and I am eager to learn more about the easiest and most efficient ways of dealing with these It has helped to develop my communication skills, through dealing with a range of different This experience has helped me to decide that I would particularly like to study psychology with counselling, as I feel that I would thoroughly enjoy the challenge and the satisfaction gained from a career in this

I recently completed a week of work experience at the local playgroup where I worked with children aged This enabled me to witness firsthand some of the issues covered in the day care section of the attachment module in AS psychology, particularly the way in which children develop I thoroughly enjoyed working with these children and was delighted when the leader of the playgroup asked me to return to do voluntary work during my free I now currently assist the children with ICT skills one morning a Additionally I am currently organising voluntary work at a local care home for the elderly as I believe working with people from a range of age groups will be

My part time job at McDonalds where I work 18-25 hours a week has helped to build my confidence and my communication skills as I am constantly in contact with customers and It has also helped me to develop my time management skills as I have always kept up to date with my school It also developed my ability to work quickly and efficiently when under pressure, and I believe that I have the ability to successfully

In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my I regularly attend music concerts and go to the cinema with I am a member at the local leisure centre where I often go to the gym and occasionally go swimming to keep myself

I am looking forward to beginning the challenge of university It is an exciting opportunity and I believe that studying a course in Psychology with Counselling is the first step towards my chosen future career as a Counselling

Yours sincerely,

2022心理学专业留学申请书 第6篇

































2022心理学专业留学申请书 第7篇












2022心理学专业留学申请书 第8篇

Dear _,

My deep interest in psychology started to develop after I read the books "Owl in Love" and "Woman in the Wall" by Patrice Of course, being only twelve years old at the time, I was far from grasping the true depth of the characters and the complex psychological net Kindl had been able to Now, reading them again, it seems to me as though the author had written not only a fictional novel for children, but had actually filtered out character traits that are in most of us, making them stronger and more noticeable, like shyness or the wish of becoming something totally different to flee the hated The books had fascinated and encouraged me to look at the people in my surrounding much more closely, to try to figure out their differences and similarities as well as to question why they might behave in that

I am a keen writer, both in English and To be able to create a character that is unique and amiable, or simply just believable, one has to understand why he or she would act in certain It is easy to write out of your own point of view, but actually understanding the characters you are describing and being able to make their actions plausible takes a long thinking You need to consider their family backgrounds, the decisions they made in their lives and the preferences they have developed throughout the

That is what I love about psychology; that every person is shaped by different In this context I also find the nature-nurture debate very

For two years now I have been studying psychology as one of my core topics in high school choosing to take extra classes after school as This has given me the opportunity to look into many different areas of the subject and I have developed a particular interest in social and personality

I have also been studying ethics and philosophy and this has given me an advantage in connecting certain themes with each other and creating opinions that are very diverse and taken from different areas of the three Ethics, for example, has provided me with a deeper understanding of moral themes, while philosophy has challenged some of my

In 10th grade (05/06), at the age of fifteen, I had the opportunity to spend six months studying abroad as an exchange student in France, which perfected my This independent time I spent in a foreign culture gave me a deeper understanding of my own inner strength and strong It was a wonderful and rewarding time in which I was able to learn a lot besides a new language, such as coping alone with completely new This experience widened my knowledge in terms of how strong humans can actually be, and so further deepened my interest in psychology and the true capability of Many friends I made there have stayed close and very dear to

I have no worries about studying in English as all my elementary schooling was in English and my entire secondary education has been in a bilingual school where half of the lessons, exams and assignments were in

I believe I would be a great asset to your university as I am a social, life-loving person, who enjoys not only to study, but has also learnt to take on responsibilities, is passionate about music - expressed in both dancing and singing classes - and has loved to act in various school plays, often taking on the leading I am voted class representative and in this responsible position I speak up for my classmates and organise various

I am especially looking forward to studying and living in Britain, having travelled there a number of times, which has given me some insight into the realities of living and the fortune of studying

Yours sincerely,

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